Lessons Learned Template

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Polio eradication is one of the top priorities of the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation. As a major supporter of the GPEI, we are interested in supporting the. Coyote Call Sounds. Penguin Lapbook Video Here is a video depicting how you can make your own Penguin Lapbook. We didnt study a specific species of penguin, but learned a little bit. Lessons Learned from John MaxwellSuccess is not a destination thing, its a daily thing. John Maxwell. When I think of leaders and leadership, I think of John Maxwell. He is a speaker and author, and leadership is his super skill. He leads by example but more importantly, hes created an amazing knowledge base of leadership patterns and practices through his books and speaking engagements. John Maxwell is a Leader of Leaders. Maxwells lifes work is writing and talking about leadership. His books take up multiple shelves at the bookstore. In fact, hes written more than 5. The beauty of John Maxwells books is that he talks with you, not at at you, while at the same time challenging you to become a better version of yourself. John Maxwells books equip you with a wide range of ideas and language to help you frame out and master key areas of your life including your attitude, relationships, leadership skills, and success. Along the way, he shares stories to bring the ideas to life and to share how he learned these lessons from the school of hard knocks and from multiple mentors. From failing forward, to going on your success journey, to building a positive attitude, to winning with people, Maxwell covers a variety of  personal development and leadership skills that you can use in work and life. I hope you enjoy these lessons as much as Ive enjoyed putting them together 2. Lessons Learned from John Maxwell. Here are 2. 5 key lessons that capture and distill what I think are some of the most important insights from John Maxwell 1. Leadership is influence. Maxwell defines leadership as influence. Its simple, effective, and precise. In The 2. Lessons Learned Template ExamplesIrrefutable Laws of Leadership, Maxwell says, True leadership cannot be awarded, appointed, or assigned. It comes only from influence, and that cant be mandated. It must be earned. The only thing a title can buy is a little time either to increase your level of influence with others or to erase it. Leadership isnt a position, its a process. Leadership starts right where you are, from the inside out. Maxwell says,  Most people who want to get ahead do it backward. They think, Ill get a bigger job, then Ill learn how to be a leader. But showing leadership skill is how you get the bigger job in the first place. Leadership isnt a position, its a process. Just do it. Forget motivation and just do it. Maxwell says, The whole idea of motivation is a trap. Forget motivation. Just do it. Exercise, lose weight, test your blood sugar, or whatever. Do it without motivation. Lessons Learned Template FreeAnd then, guess what  After you start doing the thing, thats when the motivation comes and makes it easy for you to keep on doing it. Your attitude towards life is still under construction. According to Maxwell, your attitude towards life is constantly being shaped by the following factors  personality who are you, environment whats around you, word expression what you hear, adult acceptanceaffirmation what you feel, self imagehow you see yourself, exposure to new experiences, association with peers who influences you, physical appearance how you look to others, and marriage, family, and job your security and status. Maxwell believes that your environment shapes you more than your personality or other inherited traits, and that your outward actions are a direct reflection of your self image we tend to act consistently with how we see ourselves. In Attitude 1. Lessons Learned Template For It ProjectLessons Learned Templates For ProjectsLessons Learned Template Ms WordMaxwell says, Whether you are eleven, forty two, or sixty five, your attitude toward life is still under construction. Its never too late for a person to change his attitude. Use principles to guide you. Drive from durable principles instead of a bunch of rules and policies. According to Maxwell, policies are many, principles are few, policies will change, principles never do. Leadership is a collection of skills. Leadership is something you can learn and improve at. Maxwell says, Although it is true that some people are born with greater natural gifts than others, the ability to lead is really a collection of skills, nearly all of which can be learned and improved. Build trust through competence, connection, and character. You wont follow somebody you dont trust. As a leader, you have to build trust. Maxwell says, There are three qualities a leader must exemplify to build trust competence, connection, and character. Lessons Learned Template Excel' title='Lessons Learned Template Excel' />Success is a journey, not a destination. Dont think of success as a place. Think of it as a path. Success is a journey you can enjoy a day at a time. Take the right people with you on your success journey. In Your Road Map for Success, Maxwell identifies 1. Success is a daily thing. You can be successful one day or one decision at a time. Maxwell says, If you can handle today correctly, tomorrow will take care of itself. Success is a decision at a time. Lessons-Learned.gif' alt='Lessons Learned Template' title='Lessons Learned Template' />Maxwell says, You dont become a success when you get your diploma. You became a success when you decided to go to college. When you get your diploma you get the rewards of success. Seven Steps for success. In Success One Day at a Time, Maxwell shares 7 steps for success  1 make a commitment to grow daily, 2 value the process more than events, 3 dont wait for inspiration, 4 be willing to sacrifice pleasure for opportunity, 5 dream big, 6 plan your priorities, and 7 give up to go up. Look for the landmarks of success. The highest levels of success require a series of significant trade offs. Maxwell identifies the following trade offs that serve as landmarks 1 achievement over affirmation, 2 excellence over acceptability, 3 personal growth over immediate pleasure, 4 future potential over financial gain, 5 a narrow focus over scattered interests, and significant over security. Leadership is a visual thing. The greatest leadership is by example. Maxwell says, A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. Everybody needs encouragement. No matter who you are, you still need encouragement. Maxwell says, Remember, man does not live on bread alone sometimes he needs a little buttering up. Dont take yourself too seriously. In Your Roadmap for Success, Maxwell says we need to be able to laugh at ourselves, success depends more on your attitude than it does on how important you think you are. Life should be fun. Even if your job is important and should be taken seriously, that doesnt mean you should take yourself seriously. Youll go farther in life and have a better time doing it if you maintain a sense of humor, especially when it comes to yourself. Use failure as a springboard. Unsuccessful people avoid taking any risks to try and avoid failure. Successful people turn failure into feedback. They dont dwell on mistakes or the negative consequences of failures. Instead, they focus on the rewards of success and on learning from their mistakes. In Your Road Map for Success, Maxwell shares 1. Win with people. Growing people is the key to growing your success. Maxwell says, The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership and true success comes only when every generation continues to develop the next generation.